The Internet is still all about the written word. From a short tweet to an extensive eBook. But if a text doesn't appeal to your target audience, it won't work. Creating original, valuable content is the key to successful marketing on the Internet.

Functioning content means useful content - for the recipient! Words, knowledge and information precisely tailored to the target group. This is content with a specific goal, useful information created for a defined audience, content with meaning, content that hits the mark.

SEO texts

Search engine optimization (SEO) also starts with good content. It doesn't matter how many keywords you put in a text. If it doesn't appeal to your target audience, if it's unattractive, it won't generate links, it won't generate "Facebook likes", it won't generate comments, it won't rank well in search results - and worst of all, it won't "convert". That is, it will miss the goal you set out to achieve, to promote or sell your product.

Your potential customers will search the Internet for solutions to their problems. If you don't offer them these solutions, your competitors will.

Build trust

For the healthcare industry in particular, it is important to build trust. You can hardly achieve this with conventional advertising, either on or offline. But the methods and principles of content marketing are ideal for this. Of course, you can't build trust overnight; it takes time and is more of a long-term process that needs to be worked on continuously. But the result is more consistent than the short-term effect of conventional advertising.

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Legal aspects of content marketing

Is content marketing in pharmaceutical and healthcare advertising even legally possible? Don't HWG, UWG and other laws speak against it? One of the leading experts in pharmaceutical law, Peter von Czettritz, provides information and explains which legal pitfalls must be observed and avoided.

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