On the basis of your specifications and a detailed SEO analysis, I develop the content marketing strategy that that fits your business model and your target group. The measures that make sense for you myself or with my partners.

Content marketing increases traffic, improves customer loyalty and strengthens current and potential customers' trust in your brand. High-quality content must be relevant, informative and exciting for customers and meet their questions and needs. This is the only way SEO works in the long term.

Content marketing is very effective at generating conversions. But first of all, you need a content strategy that is tailored to your needs and those of your target group. This allows you to differentiate yourself from your competition and offer your customers both added value and a unique selling proposition. In this way, you promote your brand profile and reputation through content marketing.

We don't just do the usual SEO, we deliver high quality content that is optimised for user, conversion and search engine.

Further services

Healthcare SEO Content Writer

The texts are the decisive factor of your internet presence. They must be found by search engines, but above all they must appeal to your target group.

Medical Blog Writer & Email Copywriter

Regular contact with customers is important. Blogs, emails and newsletters with interesting topics for your target group(s) are suitable for this.

Other media

Infographics and videos for more user-friendliness and more traffic. A picture says more than a thousand words - a video says even more.