Author Archive: Dr. Markus Numberger

Book review patch clamp technique

Patch clamp technique by Fabian C.Roth, Markur Numberger, Andreas Draguhn

Fabian Roth, Markus Numberger, Andreas Draguhn Patch-Clamp-Technik Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 2023 ISBN: 978-3-662-66052-2 A review of our book "Patch-Clamp-Technik", written by Markos Xenakis and Angelika Lampert, was published in the Newsletter & Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft 12/2023 on December 21, 2023. The "Patch Clamp Technique", 2nd edition, by Roth, F.C., Numberger, M., and Draguhn, A. is a comprehensive, [...]

Patch clamp technique - 2nd edition published

Patch clamp technique by Fabian C.Roth, Markur Numberger, Andreas Draguhn

Fabian Roth, Markus Numberger, Andreas Draguhn Patch-Clamp Technique Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 2023 ISBN: 978-3-662-66052-2 The patch clamp technique is one of the most important neurophysiological working methods today. Its application has yielded significant insights into the function and properties of ion channels in basic biomedical research, and it has also become indispensable in applied pharmacological research. Clear and [...]

Coconut oil is rubbish!

Image of Coconut Oil and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil or coconut fat is one of the hypes among the "superfoods". Coconut fans think it is the miracle weapon against blood sugar and cholesterol or a means to lose weight. The other extreme is: "coconut oil is pure poison". I explain here how healthy coconut oil actually is. To put it briefly, coconut oil is not poison, but it is also not particularly [...]

Omega-3 fatty acids actually protect the heart

Omega 3 rich foods

Until now, it has been disputed whether omega-3 fatty acids are healthy for the cardiovascular system, i.e. whether they protect the heart, or whether they are useless. Omega-3 fatty acids are found, for example, in the fish oil of fatty marine fish, such as mackerel or wild salmon, or in krill oil, which are marketed as food supplements. Cardiovascular diseases, the most common cause of death in Germany About 40% of all deaths in our country are caused by cardiovascular diseases, [...]

Poorer sperm quality due to smartphones?

Sperm quality decreases due to nightly smartphone use

Perhaps men of procreative age should think twice about reaching for their smartphone or tablet at night. A new study found correlations between electronic media use at night and poor sperm quality. Study finds evidence of sperm damage As the findings, published in May in the journal Sleep, show, increased use of light-emitting media devices [...]

Study: Customers love round numbers, not exact ones

Round numbers appear higher than exact

People prefer round numbers to exact ones.Because exact, non-round numbers seem unfamiliar and difficult, many misjudge their value. Consider the following theoretical scenario: A vaccine against coronavirus is developed that is 91.27% effective. When the authorities publish this information with exactly this figure, most people consider the vaccine to be less [...]

Coffee - harmful or healthy?

Effect of Coffee on Health

Sometimes coffee is demonised, then caffeine is said to be very healthy again. As a neurobiologist and author who drinks "litres" of coffee every day, I am constantly asked the question: "What is true? Is coffee or caffeine now harmful or healthy?" In fact, a whole series of scientific studies have been published on this question and in July 2020 in the [...]

That seems Polish to me

I have just discovered that some of the texts I wrote for a German health publisher a few years ago have now also appeared on a Polish website. The site is called Zdrowie w Praktyce, which the Google translator translates as "Health and Practice" and is published by a publishing house in Warsaw, according to the imprint. Here is a screenshot: I [...]